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Lee offers sessions in person and via distance. She is a certified Associate Acutonics® Practitioner and has been a student of Theresa Lee and William Morris.

More information about the The Acutonics® Institute of Integrative Medicine

Acutonics merges the wisdom of Traditional Oriental Medicine with the potency of Vibrational Medicine.  Planetary hand chimes are worked in the energy field of the body and tuning forks are placed on acupuncture points to access the meridian system.  Lee also weaves Tibetan singing bowls, crystals, and traditional Wisdom practices into treatments.  

The frequencies in the Acutonics system derive from the orbits of celestial bodies – thus stimulating a remembrance of the cosmos within our human form.

This relaxing practice opens the meridians and energy centers, increasing harmony and coherency in the body. Acutonics can treat physical, mental/emotional, and energetic concerns. The body’s intelligence directs the frequencies further into the tissues where it is most desired to
initiate transformation.

Puo’ shk i’a ni Sacred Heart Tameana

Lee facilitates the Foundational and Antahkarana levels of Puo’ shk i’a ni (Sacred Heart) Tameana in person and via distance sessions. She is trained in the lineage of Hilary Hraefen Porter – More information here

In a Tameana session, I use the capacity of clear quartz crystals and the potency of geometric shapes to activate the frequency in Galactic Symbols. The healing ability of these symbols transmits, transmutes, and transcends distortions in the energy field. Distortions in the energy fields can be from unresolved trauma in this lifetime or others – this planet or others.

Distortions can also arise as an individual expands their awareness and remembrance in the process of self-actualization. This practice aligns all layers of Self – physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual – across timelines and dimensions. Tameana is a body of ancestral knowledge that has returned to our collective consciousness. It is very supportive for navigating the human and planetary evolution happening at this time.

We are all taking a big step into the expression ‘Being Made of Stardust.’ That stardust is waking up inside of our cells and DNA. It is expanding our consciousness as we navigate our individual and collective experience of remembrance and return to a culture of galactic citizenship.

Group and Individual Sound Journeys

Lee facilitates journeys on her own or in collaboration with other Sound and Acutonics practitioners. Monthly she travels to communities in her region for public gatherings. Lee also takes part in festivals and community workshops with Sound and Acutonics offerings. Private sound journeys are available. 

In a Sound Journey, I work with Gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and bells, Acutonics planetary hand chimes, percussive instruments, and other sound gear to facilitate an immersive and therapeutic experience. 

Upon arriving for a journey, participants are invited to create a personal intention for their experience, pull cards from oracle decks, and comfortably settle on the floor or in a chair. I begin the journey with a guided meditation to encourage participants to find a rhythm of relaxation with their breath. During the sound journey, I ask to be a clear and open
channel to receive guidance on how to play the array of instruments I travel with. I use breath testing – which is a form of muscle testing – to discern what I am to do next. I hold the overarching question of “what is the most benevolent action now, now, now.” The structure, music, or flavour of each sound journey is actively created by the collective intelligence in the room – expressed through the combined intentions of every person present. 

Any group practice is potent. These sound journeys unfold into an incredibly supportive vibrational field. 

I close each sound journey by using my voice to guide participants to gather up the threads of their experience, honour everything that was liberated, and return their awareness to the physical body. 

Each sound journey is unique. 

I look forward to working with you.

Cultural Emergence Experiences

Lee is a Cultural Emergence facilitator and completed her training with Looby Macnamara in 2021. For more information about Looby and Cultural Emergence

Lee offers Cultural Emergence experiences in person and via distance sessions.

I experience Cultural Emergence as an empowering design framework for personal or collective practice. Cultural Emergence invokes the support of the seen and unseen realms to collaborate with our conscious desires to allow a rising of possibility and synchronicity. My permaculture design training in 2007 oriented me towards social permaculture as I felt that ‘the people getting along’ was often a greater design problem than listening to the land. I encountered People and Permaculture by Looby Macnamara in 2012. During an immersive course with Looby in 2017, I discovered she was in the process of creating the practice of Cultural Emergence. My experience was incredibly palpable and utterly intangible – i.e. very transformative.  In working with the Design Web and Cultural Emergence Principles, I have grounded and initiated big dreams and small effective changes, found clarity and solutions for problems, and nourished my health, consciousness, and creativity for life.

Cultural Emergence retreats are available in collaboration with other modalities, practices, and practitioners. 

The vision of Cultural Emergence is to accelerate global cultural transformation towards a peaceful connected world to bring people and planet into alignment for a positive regenerative future. 

The premises of Cultural Emergence are:

  • Current ecological, social, political and personal problems are a result of cultural problems
  • Humanity is a part of the web of life and we have a positive role to play on Earth
  • Culture can fulfill the role of connection
  • Connection supports emergence
  • Cultures will emerge and evolve – emerging cultures is a natural and inevitable phenomena
  • We can’t predict the future; we can only influence the direction of the journey
  • Cultural emergence is an ongoing process – not a destination
  • Together we can find, imagine, create and implement the solutions we need
  • Shifts in our personal culture will ripple out
  • Cultural Emergence will lead to many diverse regenerative cultures that can live in harmony